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Friday 18th October 2024

St Peter and the Ghosts of Meetings Past

Two founder members of the St Peter Lodge 7648 pay a visit from the Grand Lodge Above to their old haunt and interrupt the Initiation Ceremony taking place with pertinent (and sometimes impertinent) comments and observations. Highly recommended not only to Entered Apprentices but to all Brethren of the Craft, this takes place at the Masonic Hall, 1 Kings Road, Cleethorpes.

Book in for a meal afterwards at steward@stpeter7648.co.uk - the Lodge Secretary is notified automatically.

This presentation is by Eddie Wildman (Ghost writer) and Craig Maurier. Be afraid.

Monday 21st October 2024

Holderness Lodge 3563 is visited by the Ghosts of two of its Founder Members who give a running commentary on the first degree ceremony being performed with explanations of what is going on. Book in with the Secretary John Ledger secretaryholderness3563@gmail.com to confirm attendance for the meal afterwards.

Eddie Wildman and Craig Maurier are haunting the Lodge for this presentation.

Monday 25th November 2024

Writing the minutes

The Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 has invited the Daggards to perform Writing the Minutes - their Visual Radio Play at the Lodge on Beverley Road. Watch this space for details on how to book etc.




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